Embracing Traditions: Chhath Puja 2023 Celebration Guide

Chhath Puja: A Celebration of Gratitude and Devotion

Chhath Puja is an ancient Hindu festival dedicated to the worship of the Sun God, Surya, and Chhathi Maiyya, believed to be Surya’s sister. Celebrated primarily in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and in parts of Nepal, Chhath Puja holds immense cultural and spiritual significance. This four-day festival falls in the month of Kartik in the Hindu calendar and usually takes place around October or November.

The Rituals and Significance of Chhath Puja

  1. Day One – Nahay Khay: The first day of Chhath Puja, known as Nahay Khay, involves devotees taking a ritual bath in a river or pond before preparing traditional food offerings.
  2. Day Two – Kharna: On the second day, known as Kharna, devotees observe a day-long fast which is broken after sunset, following the evening rituals.
  3. Day Three – Sandhya Arghya: The third day, Sandhya Arghya, entails devotees offering prayers to the setting sun, followed by a special prasad (offering) known as ‘Thekua’.
  4. Day Four – Usha Argya: The final day, Usha Argya, includes offering prayers to the rising sun, symbolizing gratitude, and seeking blessings for well-being and prosperity.

Chhath Puja is observed with rigorous fasting, performing rituals at the river banks, and offering prasad to the Sun God. Women play a significant role in the festival, as they are traditionally the ones who observe the fast and perform the elaborate rituals associated with Chhath Puja.

Preparations for Chhath Puja

  1. Cleaning and Decorating: Before the festival begins, devotees clean their homes and the area where the puja will be conducted. They decorate the surroundings with rangoli and traditional motifs using rice paste or chalk.
  2. Shopping for Essentials: Items such as earthen lamps, sugarcane, fruits, coconuts, Thekua, and other prasad ingredients are essential for the rituals of Chhath Puja.
  3. Organizing Prasad: Thekua, a wheat-based Indian cookie, is a crucial part of the prasad offerings during Chhath Puja. It is prepared with wheat flour, jaggery, and ghee.
  4. Traditional Attire: Devotees typically wear traditional attire such as sarees or dhotis while performing the rituals of Chhath Puja.

Celebrating Chhath Puja in 2023

Chhath Puja in 2023 is expected to be celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor, as devotees come together to honor the Sun God and seek blessings for the well-being of their families. With its roots deeply entrenched in tradition and spirituality, Chhath Puja remains a significant cultural celebration for millions of people across India and Nepal.


  1. What is the significance of Chhath Puja?
    Chhath Puja is dedicated to the worship of the Sun God, Surya, and is believed to bring prosperity, longevity, and well-being to the devotees and their families.

  2. Can anyone observe Chhath Puja, or is it limited to certain communities?
    While Chhath Puja is predominantly celebrated in states like Bihar and Jharkhand, people from all communities and regions can participate in the festival.

  3. What are the traditional offerings made during Chhath Puja?
    Devotees offer prasad such as fruits, sugarcane, Thekua, and other traditional sweets to the Sun God as part of the rituals.

  4. Is fasting compulsory during Chhath Puja?
    Fasting is an integral part of Chhath Puja, and devotees observe strict fasting during the four-day festival as a mark of devotion and gratitude.

  5. How can one participate in Chhath Puja if they are not near a river or pond?
    In urban areas where access to rivers is limited, devotees often create artificial ponds or use large water bodies for performing the rituals of Chhath Puja.

  6. Are there any specific prayers or mantras recited during Chhath Puja?
    Devotees recite ancient Vedic hymns and mantras dedicated to the Sun God and Chhathi Maiyya during the rituals of Chhath Puja.

  7. What is the historical significance of Chhath Puja?
    The origins of Chhath Puja can be traced back to ancient Vedic texts, where worship of the Sun God is considered essential for overall well-being and prosperity.

  8. How is Chhath Puja different from other Hindu festivals?
    Chhath Puja stands out as a unique festival that is dedicated solely to the worship of the Sun God, with elaborate rituals performed over four days by fasting devotees.

  9. Are there any specific rituals that children can participate in during Chhath Puja?
    Children are encouraged to participate in the preparations, decoration, and lighting of earthen lamps during Chhath Puja, fostering a sense of tradition and spirituality.

  10. What are some ways to experience Chhath Puja if one cannot attend in person?
    For those unable to attend Chhath Puja in person, they can virtually participate by learning about the rituals, traditions, and significance of the festival through online resources and documentaries.

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